Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments
When students feel like they belong, it encourages them to stay in Hillside Collegiate Jr. to learn and succeed. In welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments, students, staff, families and community partners treat each other fairly and kindly. They are environments where:
• healthy and respectful relationships are fostered;
• students feel that adults care for them as a group and as individuals;
• positive mental health is promoted
• values, rights, and responsibilities are respected;
• support is demonstrated through collaboration, high expectations, mutual trust and caring;
• diversity is respected, celebrated and understood as a strength;
• expectations are clear, consistent, and regularly communicated;
• consequences of unacceptable behavior take into account the students age, maturity, and individual circumstances;
• support is provided for those impacted by inappropriate behaviour as well as for those who engage in inappropriate behaviors; and children, youth and adults model positive social-emotional skills.